About the Campaign

The ‘clean eating’ campaign has become ridden with food myths and misinformation. Many “wellness gurus” have taken too the internet to wage war against certain types of food which, they feel, are the main contributors to the increasingly high obesity rate amongst adults. Many of the times, these “gurus” cite bad science or anecdotal evidence which results in misleading assumptions about what we can and cannot eat. This leads to the promotion of restrictive diets which cut out vital nutrients that our body needs to function.

This is not surprising. In an age where we are constantly being bombarded with diet advice and information, it has become increasingly difficult to separate the true from the false.

‘DISHING THE DIRT ON CLEAN EATING’ will set the record straight!

Each week, we will pick apart the various myths and lies being sold to us by so called ‘experts’. We will unpack the current debates surrounding certain types of food and put them into context.

Remember: BALANACE AND MODERATION are the keys to a successful diet, not Restriction and Anxiety!

* If these posts bring up any issues for you, you can contact The Butterfly Foundation for Eating Disorders via their website (www.thebutterflyfoundation.org.au) or on their National Support Line (1800 33 4673).

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